quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

O que será do Historical Archive on Tourism - HAT?

Postado por Alexandre Panosso Netto

Alguns dias atrás iniciamos uma campanha para evitar o fechamento do Historical Archive on Tourism. Parece que a política de cortes na universidade alemã foi a vitoriosa, pois o arquivo foi fechado.
Prof. Dr. Hasso Spode mostrando-me algumas preciosidades históricas do conhecimento turístico.
Pelo que sei, as manifestações por e-mails, encaminhadas aos diretores da Freie Universität Berlin, foram muitas, de todos os continentes, em vários idiomas, mas não foram suficientes para evitar a situação atual.
O que será do arquivo agora?
Uma ideia geral do que ERA o arquivo...
Ninguém sabe, nem mesmo seu diretor, o prof. Dr. Hasso Spode, que recentemente nos recebeu em Berlim. É ele quem divulga a mensagem abaixo, que também pode ser lida no original aqui.
Esperamos que a situação se resolva logo e que o arquivo volte a estar aberto para consultas.
Agradeço publicamente todos aqueles que enviaram mensagem contrárias ao fechamento do arquivo.

"Sent: Saturday, November 12. 2011 1150 AM
Subject: Update: Historical Archive on Tourism
Historical Archive on Tourism closed - for the moment, at least
Two weeks ago I posted an emergency call in H-Travel, saying that the Historical Archive on Tourism (HAT) at the Berlin Free University was about to be shut down and/or - even worse - to be destroyed. The message (and a similar posting in the German HSK-net) immediately initiated a wave of protest from all over the world. I was overwhelmed by all the supporting emails addressed to the university's president (that reached me cc). This was very helpful and comforting - thank you all!
The battle is over. The result, however, allows mixed feelings at best. On the one hand, the university insisted in getting rid of the HAT, since it is abandoning research in tourism. One might ask whether this is a wise decision in times of globalization and transnational history. Yet be that as it may, the whole archive was packed into some 700 moving boxes, stored for the interim in three seminar rooms, and thus the materials are virtually inaccessible for the time being. On the other hand, the boxing has been done professionally so that integrity of the collection did not suffer very much. And no one spoke of selling and destroying the collection, as the Free University had handled other archives in the past.  This is certainly good news.
What are the next steps? We now have a quarter of a year to find a new host for the HAT and the university will pay for the relocation. Negotiations with different institutions interested in running this unique archive have already started. Of course, in this early stage of talks, no one can predict the outcome. However, it looks as if a satisfactory solution is possible. Again, I want to thank all the protesters for their compassionate and supportive commitment. The scientific community works. I'll keep you informed on the further progress in this matter.
Hasso Spode (hat@hist-soz.de)"

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