quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

Historical Archive on Tourism faces shut-down

Postado por Alexandre Panosso Netto
O objetivo desta postagem é aumentar o número de manifestações contrárias ao possível fechamento do Historical Archive on Tourism - HAT, que está na Freie Universität Berlin. Se você puder ajudar, enviando um e-mail aos diretores da Freie Universität Berlin, agradeço.

Abaixo reproduzo mensagem publicada em http://h-net.msu.edu/cgi-bin/logbrowse.pl?trx=vx&list=H-Travel&month=1110&week=d&msg=UXc1BI0hjTES7DJQXWZ%2bSw&user=&pw=
sobre o possível fechamento do HAT.
Subject: Historical Archive on Tourism faces shut-down
Recently the German government had a competition among the universities to choose the ten most “excellent” ones. Among the happy few, gaining millions of extra funds, was the Berlin Free University (Freie Universität Berlin). At this university, in the late 80s an archive was founded that was to gather materials concerning travel and tourism. Starting on a rather small scale but constantly enlarged, the Historical Archive on Tourism (HAT) has since become a unique institution in this field. On its shelves, which take up 0.5 kilometer, you can find more than 200 periodicals and more than 10,000 books from the 18th century to the present, like Baedekers, travelogues, statistics or early studies in tourism science. In addition, and probably the most valuable part, there are lots of ephemera, above all more than 50,000 flyers organized according to countries and travel agencies, and also posters, photo albums, maps, and unprinted archive materials. (See briefly with a link to the HAT’s homepage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_archive_on_tourism

Each year more than hundred researchers from all over the world come to the HA seeking additional or critical sources and advice for their studies, and up to now virtually no one went home without having struck gold. Alas, the prophet is without honour in his own country. The Free University, excellent as it is, has decided to get rid of this excellent institution. While the staff has long since been financed by the tourist industry, namely the Willy Scharnow Foundation, the university pays for the overhead, e.g. the rooms. These costs amount to some $20,000 per year – a rather managable sum one might think. However, always in search of money and space, the administration had the brillant idea to cancel the agreement with the Scharnow Foundation and “pack” the well ordered half kilometer of archival material “in boxes” and pile them in a seminar room. In other words: the university wants to close the HAT down, and in addition risks substantial damage to the archive’s organization and physical integrity.
Those readers who are stunned by this narrowmindedness are encouraged to express their disagreement with the Free University’s executive board http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/universitaet/organisation/gremien/index.html

All languages welcome.

Hasso Spode (spode@hasso-spode.de)
Shelley Baranowski and Bertram Gordon, co-editors, H-Travel
Abaixo reproduzo íntegra da mensagem que enviei à lista de discussão da ANPTUR (www.anptur.org.br) buscando mobilização.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Prezados colegas da lista ANPTUR.
Acabo de receber a notícia do prof. Dr. Hasso Spode de que o Historisches Archiv zum Tourismus (HAT) - Freie Universität Berlin (Willy-Scharnow-Institut), PODERÁ SER FECHADO, ENCAIXOTADO E, PROVAVELMENTE, VENDIDO EM PARTES, o que acarretaria a perda da unidade do arquivo.
Não sei se alguém já teve a oportunidade de lá estar, mas o HAT trata-se de  importantíssimo arquivo histórico e teórico do turismo. Possui materiais de alta qualidade desde o século XIX, XVIII e até anteriores.
Neste sentido, o prof. Spode solicita apoio ao NÃO FECHAMENTO do HAT. Ainda há uma chance, qual seja: a sensibilização dos diretores da Freie Universität Berlin.
Para isso, seria necessário que aqueles que apoiam esta causa, escrevessem, em qualquer idioma, aos diretores da universidade e ao próprio Spode:

Dr. Peter-André Alt: praesident@fu-berlin.de
Prof. Dr. Monika Schäfer-Korting: vp1@fu-berlin.de 
Prof. Dr. Hasso Spode: hasso.spode@gmx.de

Abaixo webs que esclarecem o tema:

Aos que quiserem ajudar, sugere-se que passem adiante a mensagem para outras listas, colegas, pesquisadores, interessados no tema, Facebook, etc. Mobilização é importante.

Muito obrigado.
Alexandre Panosso Netto

Um comentário:

BRENO disse...

Oi Tati e Alexandre, como faço para entrar em contato com voces?